Tuesday, July 05, 2011

One more story about Andrew Wyeth

Christina's World
As you know, I am a bit of an Andrew Wyeth fan and have had a couple of close encounters with his work. Here is the link to My Wyeth Story and the follow up - More Wyeth Lore. You'll have to read the first story to understand the rest of this post.

This past week it was announced that the Olsen House, the site/location of the famous Andrew Wyeth painting, Christina's World, has been designate a national landmark. Here is a story from Boston.com. In honor of the designation,  The Farnsworth Museum has arranged for another exhibit of the Christina's World "studies" described in my story. I recently visited the Wyeth Center at the Farnsworth in Rockland to re-connect with the painting and the studies. This time, I was able get a little closer and noticed that you can definitely see the rust marks.

Finally, from reading the Boston.com story listed above, I learned that Andrew Wyeth is buried in Hathorn Cemetery located adjacent to the Olsen House. See Find-a-Grave for map 

So, if you are a Wyeth fan you can  see the studies, visit the site and visit Andrew's grave all in one day.

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